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Member Since 03 Jun 2003
OFFLINE Last Active Apr 25 2009 05:37 PM

Topics I've Started

bill679 m8 ur funny

05 December 2005 - 12:31 PM

omfg u really made me laugh so hard saying that i was maping cauze of an impossible stretch i made pretty logic when u have 1 unit count anyways i lost the screen like i told ya still ur a big stupid

is it possible that

07 January 2004 - 01:00 PM

i where thinking their aint a bug one dune patrol that a brute kills a allied ore miner in 1 shot aint it

sorry i lost the screen the i played told me it was a bug

GID Player A Player B Duration Scenario Date
11746 mafiosi05 W +10 lwdrulez L 04:35 Dune Patrol 12:50 07-01 49 0 1

lwdrulez killed bought left captured
units 0 10 5
buildings 0 8 5 0
infantry 1 8 4
planes 0 1 1
mafiosi05 killed bought left captured
units 4 12 7
buildings 1 13 9 0
infantry 4 4 23
planes 0 0 0

when are the unfair maps gone

02 November 2003 - 04:12 PM

i still play unfair strange maps 3 player map cold war for an example i played sualocin gg btw
but its a real strange map

a little question about xgs

27 September 2003 - 08:54 AM

CC Game Spy saves the replay to \ra2\replays\game replay.xif. Start the recorder just before both players are 'loaded'.
XCC Game Spy Player loads the replay from the same location. Copy multi.mix from the Red Alert 2 CD to the game directory.
' ': pause
'h': show/hide scout history
'n': show/hide names
'r': rewind
't': show/hide terrain
',': previous frame
'.': next frame

i can make up from this explenation that u can see what the enemy did'nt scout if that's right i think u can make use of it

hmm what's this

23 July 2003 - 11:56 AM

hmmm what's is this funny
its dutch maybe u can find someone who can translate it