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Member Since 18 Jul 2003
OFFLINE Last Active Nov 14 2006 01:17 PM

Topics I've Started

god888 washer

20 January 2006 - 03:32 PM

my kirov was about to wipe him out and then he d/ced

ss for xxjanexx

11 January 2006 - 04:35 PM

gg m8

SS for minn1114

06 January 2006 - 10:21 AM

he accused me MHing oO

dunnow why

tjp40ban d/c wash[BT32-04-02-06]

04 January 2006 - 05:54 AM

look at this **** -.-

Jan 04, 2006 - rhino7ank ( 328 pts ) Plays tjp40ban ( 292 pts ) in game# 14945841

Result: Lost
Points: 292
Record: 9/0
Units Killed/Bought/Left: 15/27/6
Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 0/15/9
Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 12/26/14
Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 0/0/0
IP: 68.174.11X.XX

Result: Lost
Points: 328
Record: 11/1
Units Killed/Bought/Left: 19/33/16
Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 8/13/15
Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 11/16/1
Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 0/26/2
IP: 81.218.21X.XXX

he accused me in cheating coz i bought a dreadnaught, i guess he didnt scout my little island with the derrick, coz i bought it there and then he d/ced

+ i had more tanks then he.

i want my points :mad_xmas:

edit: btw, check his games records, he has lots of d/cs
http://xwis.net/xcl/?pid=1901 <- his profile

need 2 know how much miners per warf in yr

15 March 2004 - 04:57 PM

thx to helpers :p