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Member Since 09 Sep 2010
OFFLINE Last Active Private

Topics I've Started

Player regim, lord, iomega etc ban dodging/sharing serials

12 October 2014 - 02:15 PM

Player http://xwis.net/ra2/pl/regim/ ban dodging.

shinestar, r0ck8war, iplyalied lags

17 November 2013 - 07:32 PM

I don't know if its his internet or pc, but someone should tell him to reduce resolution if he can't run the current one without lag. Zigzag told him to do that on yuri, so it helped a little bit. I think he should do same with ra2.

Ra2 freezes when ss is taken

27 May 2013 - 11:38 AM

Is it possible to run auto ss patch without delay and ra2 "stops (it freeze for 1 second) when screenshots are taken using Pentium 4? If so what steps should be done?

Router configuration

12 April 2013 - 06:50 AM

What are correct settings for endpoint filtering? 
Udp endpoint filtering - [address restricted].
Tcp endpoint filtering - [port and address restricted].

xwis.dll for ss's after the game

16 February 2013 - 10:25 PM

Can someone give me the download link for xwis.dll which uploads screenshots after the game? For windows xp users.