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Member Since 21 Aug 2010
OFFLINE Last Active May 03 2014 09:48 PM

Topics I've Started

ss 4 iickme

28 February 2012 - 08:07 PM

first of all, congrats, youre one of the worst players ever who won 2 out of 5 games vs me.
no idea why i played so bad but ill gladly take on you again and humiliate you 3-0, GJ camping from right side on hammer btw, youre a superstar

this is the last ss's i post for a sore loser like you, and just right now i saw a cheat report about you, no surprise, always the same laming cheaters crying to others

you are a disgrace to the game

ss 4 just2easy

28 February 2012 - 04:20 AM

gg superstar

XWIS - Promoting

17 February 2012 - 12:12 AM

run bots on the other servers for xwis advertisement


02 January 2012 - 02:54 PM

lmao i love this guy, everyone who is into poker, watch this:

also watch more of his videos, most epic guy, love how he puts down russians <3 tony g

"you played very very well"

"back to russia"

"you feel my power baby"

"on your bike"




09 October 2011 - 10:22 PM

not calling you a cheater, but it was really suspicious on dmz straight going for my dog/recruts. then on city you somehow saw me splitting without having my half scouted :p

anyways gg's and pass ss's pls