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Member Since 08 Aug 2009
OFFLINE Last Active Jan 08 2012 01:13 AM

Topics I've Started

You should not be allowed to qm if..

11 December 2011 - 11:26 PM

If your computer is so slow that you can litrally comfortable defend any sort of agression cause you dont lag. you just run ra2 at extrodinary slow speed. Forcing a long game. Not because your good. But because you see me going rockies so you have time to build the correct buildings and units to counter. then get deso to defend.

Also, it hurts my computer if its forced to run slower than it should.

The reason why this is not competative or intiging to other gamers..

04 December 2011 - 10:53 PM

Because there is not a comprehensive stat break down.

The XWIS server has connection issues ( No offence old buddy )

There is no Stream or commentators to entice people.

Noobs are unwilling to admit that they can get better with practicing with other players, but also in the same respect. There is no real motivation to take lessons from a pro...

Am I wrong?

becksgold d/c recon. Please give fw. >>freewin given<<

04 December 2011 - 09:42 PM

GID Player A Player B Duration Scenario Date FPS C S T 7937 Posted Image becksgold RE Posted Image rocker219 RE 08:08 May Day 13:31 04-12-2011 30 S P
becksgold killed bought left captured units 23 23 5 buildings 0 15 20 13 infantry 20 61 29 planes 0 4 0 rocker219 killed bought left captured units 16 33 9 buildings 5 11 16 8 infantry 22 38 8 planes 0 0
This guy is trash :\ accuse me of map hacking then recons game. 3-4 d/c screen came up.

Plz give free win.

Here is ss of him d/c/.

Free win givin. Thanks.

GID Player A Player B Duration Scenario Date FPS C S T 7964 Posted Image rocker219 W +38 Posted Image becksgold L -38 40 Montana DMZ 13:41 04-12-2011 56 P
becksgold killed bought left captured units 0 1 0 buildings 0 2 0 0 infantry 0 0 0 planes 0 0 0 rocker219 killed bought left captured units 0 1 0 buildings 0 4 3 0 infantry 0 5 5 planes 0 0 0

Cant connect for games...

28 November 2011 - 09:08 AM


I cant connect to anyone basically in qm. I was playing qm for about half the month then all of a sudden. I cant connect to anyone basically :\ minus Marsh or John.

I cant climb the ladder cause non of my games will connect....

I dont have this issue with b-net.

im stuck playing 2 people basically over and over. And if I do end up connecting with someone for qm. They usually will bail the game after...

Oh and I dont play during peak hours.

How can I connect to games and play? Ive been stuck at 600+ poitns cause I cant connect to anyone and it makes me sad cause I cant get to 900+ points :\ (dont think I could do 1000)

Ideas to promote Ra2

18 November 2011 - 08:19 AM

Stream channels - Channels that can show players especially top level players demonstrate their skills over live stream for people interested in watching.

Break down of stats - APM , Resource Collection Etc. (Is this even possible for a type of third party program?