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Member Since 08 Aug 2009
OFFLINE Last Active Jan 08 2012 01:13 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: dapperd washer (while losing)

02 January 2012 - 04:24 AM

dapperd is bad... why even care if he washes you...

In Topic: Plz Shut yuri Down

18 December 2011 - 09:06 AM

YR is always dead at that time, gets better later on

No, its only good for noobs. No competition. ever.....

In Topic: ST Survey

17 December 2011 - 06:10 AM


  • What do you think should be done, or would like to see differently in regards to Strike-Team as a whole?
    Be as detailed as possible.
  • Is the site informative enough for newcomers in your opinion? If not why not?
    Explain your opinion with detail ,and with suggestions
  • Are you happy with how things are managed?
    Rate it out of 10 and explain your reason.
  • If you had one wish that you could change around here what would it be?
    Explain your reasoning behind this.
The questions are up for discussion, but within reason we will remove posts that are deemed totally thoughtless, offensive to members/or staff and obviously against forum regs. Please be constructive and considerate. Obviously if you are not happy with something, you should tell us in a valid way.

thank you

  • What do you think should be done, or would like to see differently in regards to Strike-Team as a whole?
  • Advertised more
  • Is the site informative enough for newcomers in your opinion? If not why not?
    No to many new comers in my experience seem to believe anyone better than them cheat.
  • Are you happy with how things are managed?
. * I am happy here. im not happy about how the quick match rules are. You should not be allowed to bail if you join quick match*
  • If you had one wish that you could change around here what would it be?
Fix the quick match.
  • The questions are up for discussion, but within reason we will remove posts that are deemed totally thoughtless, offensive to members/or staff and obviously against forum regs. Please be constructive and considerate. Obviously if you are not happy with something, you should tell us in a valid way.

    thank you

In Topic: Game,oils and LAME

17 December 2011 - 06:06 AM

I am just curious about something,while playing on map that contain 4 oils,is it supposed to be
LAME/BAD/UNFAIR that i take 3 or 4 of them,in case of YES,this is not supposed to be a wargame,so the only way to take something in it is by force? :huh:

I dont understand the question..

But if you are talking about stormy weather. If i ate you. Took the two middle then ate and took the far off derricks. ide say I have 100% chance of winning. And thats lame :\

In Topic: Countering allied air as soviets

15 December 2011 - 12:58 AM

How does one counter rocketeers and planes as soviets? Flak cannons are non-mobile and require power. Flak tracks are easily killed by planes, especially korean planes.

I think the most dangerous aspect of the cannon is the fact im not going to be able to rockie u down.

I think cannons rape planes and rockies.

Im not to worried about flak track. I see a better chance of a sov winning when they just put strategic flak cannons and build only a couple flak. like 2 and just base crawl. That will shut down allied air.