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Member Since 21 Mar 2009
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Topics I've Started

Suggestion for new members forum

17 March 2024 - 11:42 AM

Hey Olaf, hope you're doing well! 


Just a suggestion but do you think the "New members" forum should allow new members to post if they need help?

Right now new members can't post without adding a serial, + Steam not giving any serials means people lost in limbo



Edit: attachments don't seem to work.

My topic now lost

18 December 2014 - 07:40 AM

The topic originally was made yesterday - a simple discussion that queried why a topic was removed that someone else made about another network.

There were a people I wanted to reply to still, and it wasn't closed, so my question for this new one: why was my topic removed, and for what reason exactly? What was so bad about that topic that it had to be hidden completely?


Can I ask for a reason please as it seems a bit harsh? Thanks! 

Are you a new Player? Introduce yourself!

15 February 2013 - 02:14 PM

Whether you're an old time C&C player, or completely new to online play, tell us more about you with a small C&C BIO.


This is a great chance to find out a little more about every one.  If you're wanting help with some gaming online, its also a great chance to meet new team mates and learn from them!

Want a purely "new player friendly" tournament

15 February 2013 - 12:20 AM

I'd like to target a tournament at members who have only played or recently created an account. Say, 6 months old at a maximum.  Purely ladder based so no real commitment apart from them taking part with tournament games and playing to win with some set parameters to various x prizes.


On another note, since the "introductions" forum was removed a while back, I don't think we have a suitable area for new players to really say they are here, or have a way of putting their boot in the door. Is this this something we need to re-implement on a trial basis, surprisingly because of facebook, searching from google etc we have a fair few new registrations and players turning up on Xwis, though I don't feel enough is being done to accommodate them like the old ST did.


Adding to this, another possibility is auto PM'ing the new member to introduce themselves and ask for any in-game help if they need.


Community Battlecast Episode - First of 2013

14 February 2013 - 04:29 PM

Community BattleCast PrimeTime starts now! Welcome to (an extremely delayed) Episode 18 of CBCPT our first episode of 2013. We've got your news, mods, fan art, and BattleCasts in a way you've never seen them. Strap your self in and enjoy the show.
"I'm only a month late with this episode... could be worse I suppose..." - Sybert


A great summary of the C&C news (including a nice recap about the C&C F2P features we know about so far)