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Member Since 01 Aug 2007
OFFLINE Last Active Dec 01 2008 03:52 AM

Topics I've Started

Forgiveness of Chat Ban?

04 August 2008 - 02:38 AM

Dear Riz, or any other Admin

I got a permanent chat ban a couple of weeks ago and I'm kinda of upset about it.

I'm not sure if its 64, or permanent? Almost positive its Perm. but I could be wrong.

It makes me not want to play Yuri's Revenge anymore and thats the last thing Yuri's needs is another person quitting. I was wondering if you could find it in your heart to release my chat ban? You have my word that I would never cause any problem again, nothing bad at all. I'm a fair player and I never cheat and don't have a bad history. The chat ban was never posted here on Strike-Team that affected anybody.
I'm sure you get a lot of people like this but if you could make this an exception I would be greatful.
I think I deserve another chance and hopefully you can see that I do to?


FA2 Trigger Help

10 April 2008 - 09:02 PM

I need some kind of FA2 trigger tutorial. Anyone have one?:confused1:
I need the triggers to be able to make each of the 6 players to get Tanx buildings and some infantry

(I was told that this is the most appropriate place to post this)

Clan forum request : RexXx [riz to do]

20 October 2007 - 09:31 PM


The RexXx "The Dinosaurs are not yet extinct"

Clan Manager Page: http://xwis.net/xwi/?cid=29393

Clan Stats: http://xwis.net/xcl/?cid=14356

Posted Image
Uploaded to S-T also

Would Like a Private and a Public forum

Leaders: OwNaSoRuS &

Acitve Members:

I hope u will except my clan I plan getting many more members of S-T, and to play fair and be active.
btw we are a YR Clan only.


Help For Anyone

12 September 2007 - 09:31 PM

I've been playing Yuri's Revenge for a long time and have basically gone through every problem you can on my old laptop.
I've been playing for 6-7 years, if you need my help just ask on this forum (I'll most likely check it everyday) or you can PM me on Strike Team or Page me in Yuri's Revenge.

I'll do my best to help.

Help For Anyone

12 September 2007 - 09:30 PM

I've been playing Yuri's Revenge for a long time and have basically gone through evry problem you can on my old laptop.
I've been playing for 5 years, if you need my help just ask on this forum (I'll most likely check it everyday) or you can PM me on Strike Team or Page me in Yuri's Revenge.