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Member Since 16 Jun 2003
OFFLINE Last Active Jan 08 2023 01:47 PM

Topics I've Started

Hall of Fame & Badges July 2009

15 September 2009 - 08:20 PM

The Hall of Fame for July has now been finalised and badges allocated (YR)
CONGRATULATIONS Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image TO:

Single Player Tournament
blaahblaa - winner of the Yuri's Revenge single player ladder.

mythosoph - winner of the Red Alert 2 single player ladder

Congratulations to Clan drake who won the YR ladder
ace who won the Ra2 ladder.

RA2 702x st1rguy
YR 357x ergallo
RA2 Clan 272x amor
YR Clan 169x sell




Single player Ladder winners can choose any New EA Game.
Clan award winners Prize choices will be announced once the Clan Awards are announced.
If you want more info about the games you can check the EA official site.
[Please note we cannot offer any EA partner titles (Rockband, Orange Box, Left 4 Dead, Crysis)
PAL console games are difficult for us to acquire and their could be a long delay in getting them so we would discourage this.
PC titles or any digital download type are easiest for us to acquire.]

Please send the following by private message on the forum to the nickname"Admin".
1) Which EA game or XWIS prize you want, including platform and language version.
2) Your full name (for shipping)
3) your full postal address including country and all area codes.
Your address must be written EXACTLY as it appears on a letter. Each part of the address should be on a separate line. Please do not send it to us in any other way!. (ask you parents if you dont know how to write your address properly or your prize will not get sent).

Well done to the winners, runners up, all HOF winners, everyone that attained the badges they were playing for, and everyone else that achieved their goals.

The finalised HOF can be found here.
Hall of Fame


01 September 2009 - 01:07 PM

Bug / Cheat - No.
Splash damage done to your own buildings - by design.


(not saying it ain't lame btw)

Hall of Fame & Badges June 2009

12 July 2009 - 06:12 PM

The Hall of Fame for June has now been finalised and badges allocated (YR)
CONGRATULATIONS Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image TO:

Single Player Tournament
lame4fame - winner of the Yuri's Revenge single player ladder.

notools - winner of the Red Alert 2 single player ladder

Congratulations to Clan lippy who won the YR ladder
ace who won the Ra2 ladder.

RA2 714x st1rguy
RA2 Clan 404x mac-10
YR 326x nahiera
YR Clan 169x -hair-




Single player Ladder winners can choose any New EA Game.
Clan award winners Prize choices will be announced once the Clan Awards are announced.
If you want more info about the games you can check the EA official site.
[Please note we cannot offer any EA partner titles (Rockband, Orange Box, Left 4 Dead, Crysis)
PAL console games are difficult for us to acquire and their could be a long delay in getting them so we would discourage this.
PC titles or any digital download type are easiest for us to acquire.]

Please send the following by private message on the forum to the nickname"Admin".
1) Which EA game or XWIS prize you want, including platform and language version.
2) Your full name (for shipping)
3) your full postal address including country and all area codes.
Your address must be written EXACTLY as it appears on a letter. Each part of the address should be on a separate line. Please do not send it to us in any other way!. (ask you parents if you dont know how to write your address properly or your prize will not get sent).

Well done to the winners, runners up, all HOF winners, everyone that attained the badges they were playing for, and everyone else that achieved their goals.

The finalised HOF can be found here.
Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame & Badges May 2009

22 June 2009 - 09:07 PM

The Hall of Fame for May has now been finalised and badges allocated (YR)
CONGRATULATIONS Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image TO:

Single Player Tournament
ruggedman - winner of the Yuri's Revenge single player ladder.

geminorum - winner of the Red Alert 2 single player ladder

Congratulations to Clan luvtoe who won the YR ladder
@fast@ who won the Ra2 ladder.

RA2 683x bobor370
YR 332x sgtsniper
RA2 Clan 256x h@zard
YR Clan 246x 300-cm




Single player Ladder winners can choose any New EA Game.
Clan award winners Prize choices will be announced once the Clan Awards are announced.
If you want more info about the games you can check the EA official site.
[Please note we cannot offer any EA partner titles (Rockband, Orange Box, Left 4 Dead, Crysis)
PAL console games are difficult for us to acquire and their could be a long delay in getting them so we would discourage this.
PC titles or any digital download type are easiest for us to acquire.]

Please send the following by private message on the forum to the nickname"Admin".
1) Which EA game or XWIS prize you want, including platform and language version.
2) Your full name (for shipping)
3) your full postal address including country and all area codes.
Your address must be written EXACTLY as it appears on a letter. Each part of the address should be on a separate line. Please do not send it to us in any other way!. (ask you parents if you dont know how to write your address properly or your prize will not get sent).

Well done to the winners, runners up, all HOF winners, everyone that attained the badges they were playing for, and everyone else that achieved their goals.

The finalised HOF can be found here.
Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame & Badges April 2009

16 May 2009 - 11:46 AM

The Hall of Fame for April has now been finalised and badges allocated (YR)
CONGRATULATIONS Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image TO:

Single Player Tournament
xephic - winner of the Yuri's Revenge single player ladder.

geminorum - winner of the Red Alert 2 single player ladder

Congratulations to Clan drake who won the YR ladder
walouh who won the Ra2 ladder.

RA2 789x fabinus12
YR Clan 460x 300-cm
RA2 Clan 383x -mafia
YR 359x nahiera




Single player Ladder winners can choose any New EA Game or a Prize from the Random Prize Winners List.
Clan award winners Prize choices will be announced once the Clan Awards are announced.
If you want more info about the games you can check the EA official site.
[Please note we cannot offer any EA partner titles (Rockband, Orange Box, Left 4 Dead, Crysis)
PAL console games are difficult for us to acquire and their could be a long delay in getting them so we would discourage this.
PC titles or any digital download type are easiest for us to acquire.]

Please send the following by private message on the forum to the nickname"Admin".
1) Which EA game or XWIS prize you want, including platform and language version.
2) Your full name (for shipping)
3) your full postal address including country and all area codes.
Your address must be written EXACTLY as it appears on a letter. Each part of the address should be on a separate line. Please do not send it to us in any other way!. (ask you parents if you dont know how to write your address properly or your prize will not get sent).

Well done to the winners, runners up, all HOF winners, everyone that attained the badges they were playing for, and everyone else that achieved their goals.

The finalised HOF can be found here.
Hall of Fame