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Member Since 18 Nov 2003
OFFLINE Last Active Jan 27 2012 06:07 AM

Topics I've Started

w2cold Pushing[proven in other report]

31 July 2007 - 11:26 PM

351553 waytowarm w2cold Korea W +4 arhinog0d crykid Libya L -4 05:33 Little Big Lake 18:18 31-07 56 2
351493 waytowarm w2cold Iraq W +5 arhinog0d crykid Iraq L -5 02:27 Little Big Lake 18:11 31-07 54 2
351459 waytowarm w2cold Iraq W +5 arhinog0d crykid Iraq L -5 04:14 Little Big Lake 18:07 31-07 56 2
351403 waytowarm w2cold Iraq W +5 arhinog0d crykid Iraq L -5 02:21 Little Big Lake 18:02 31-07 59 2

Game 1#

arhinog0d killed bought left captured
units 1 8 0
buildings 0 8 0 0
infantry 3 15 0
planes 0 0 0
waytowarm killed bought left captured
units 1 5 3
buildings 0 10 8 0
infantry 0 4 1
planes 0 0 0

Game 2#

arhinog0d killed bought left captured
units 4 15 0
buildings 3 6 0 0
infantry 5 5 0
planes 0 0 0
waytowarm killed bought left captured
units 11 17 10
buildings 0 18 12 0
infantry 5 8 3
planes 0 0 0

Game 3#

arhinog0d killed bought left captured
units 2 5 0
buildings 0 11 0 0
infantry 9 13 0
planes 0 0 0
waytowarm killed bought left captured
units 0 5 2
buildings 0 8 3 0
infantry 2 9 0
planes 0 0 0

Game 4#

arhinog0d killed bought left captured
units 5 12 0
buildings 6 8 0 0
infantry 7 13 0
planes 0 0 0
waytowarm killed bought left captured
units 1 6 4
buildings 0 15 10 0
infantry 0 5 5
planes 0 12 12

And all other games w2cold has played same clans all for +4 and **** all their stats look bad and i no for fact its arranged wins or something.

lol all top 10 clans

24 July 2007 - 10:15 PM

... muppits

Dodging Ban - zabib/imonnlymat/owwwwwwwn?[rebanned]

23 July 2007 - 09:52 PM

Ok im not 100% on this im not saying its true or not i personally do not no this guy so dont flame me if im wrong but m8's wanted me to post. Theres a topic in Clan EATT a few members say that there is a guy on ra2 playing and he should be PERMA BANNED but im not sure and no1 is making a report so id just like you to maybe look into it? his nicknames are jack0088 owwwwwwwwn

heres a quote from a fellow members

"hes perm banned im sure its him, some1 should report, he was gravetank Slapppppp and he had an old jack nick but since he got perm banned he changed it..."

another quote

"it is 100% matt aka Slapppp aka used to be perm banned..."

another quote

"he said he spoke to olaf and isnt anymore or something =/"

now i dont no anything but i just dont want a perma banned player playing on XWIS server.

Olaf can i PLease PM you Or Don[resolved]

23 July 2007 - 08:40 PM


Ra2 Radar Custom

19 July 2007 - 05:12 AM

When I go to Homepage Strike-Team I go to downloads and I find the Ra2 Radar Customizer I then look around for the download link to this, I cannot find it, I click on the name and it takes me to a page such as this http://xhp.xwis.net/ I have no idea what to do with this iv searched the whole page nothing on the radar. Is there someone who can send me a working link directly to the download link so I can become a better player so i can improve my skills to be able to play with the big dogs.

Thank you, SovShow

Sincerely, Tyler