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In Topic: Unable to connect
29 August 2011 - 04:39 AM
i cant conect playing custom matches 2 vs 2 ive played qms but no games start from the lobby? its driving me crazy
In Topic: 9 nicks per serial yes or no?
16 June 2010 - 06:40 PM
did you know what went on in england for the past 10 yrs no person in goverment listerned to the ppl and they was thrown out because no person heard wat ppl said ppl in charge thought they were above the 40% that were saying imirgration was best better than who was voting
but if only they was not so pig headed
i guess when your in charge you only think what you want to hear not what the small but infulenced say
we want any nik or if you are being hard then only 1 with email attatached
but if only they was not so pig headed
i guess when your in charge you only think what you want to hear not what the small but infulenced say
we want any nik or if you are being hard then only 1 with email attatached
In Topic: 9 nicks per serial yes or no?
16 June 2010 - 06:05 PM
I have payed for 36 niks i want them now and it says nine niks per serial but if i put in 4 serials it only gives me 9? wtf
should i give my 4 serials
lots of love
should i give my 4 serials
lots of love
In Topic: hmmm
06 March 2009 - 08:53 PM
same thought my friendYou just flamed me now , are you getting banned too then?
In Topic: invalid paswords
06 October 2008 - 10:55 PM
hello again olaf van der spek on changing the password it let me join but i was in no mans land i was in a usa bunker the only 1 there and i was the only 1 there no games playing nothing any other help please i would very greatfull thanks

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