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Member Since 07 Sep 2003
OFFLINE Last Active Feb 01 2005 07:57 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: otsdrs pushing on YR?

08 January 2005 - 08:18 AM

No reason to push .... i will get my pts if i want .... and indeed no fodder , i always play with tanks only .... and all wins are reducted so what 's the problem ?? <_<

In Topic: stxwis-clan

04 January 2005 - 10:58 AM

I will bring him back to rank 2 , is that better ? :blink:

In Topic: iownnew players

04 January 2005 - 08:42 AM

Willy let the new player think hé 's good , he isn 't but let him think. They have always a big mouth when they beat a player with big name. Yr is full of that kind of ****.


In Topic: frikin washed by armeen

25 December 2004 - 08:51 PM

this is a D/C game and don´t wash game...

i can do nothing for the fact that he none scores has agreed

i asked him because of a free win and he said *no* for me is that ok :lol:

In Topic: can sum1 help me with my TC

20 December 2004 - 03:46 AM

Hi ,

4 cs just keep tanks together and use linetc , means make vertical and horizontal lines by , how it works ? simple , point in the middle of the line tanks en move them , u will see perfect lines , try this and ur tc wil be lots better. Tip : don t walk to much with tc battles , u will be hit much in the run. If it 's like 10 vs 10 tanks or maybe even 15 u can use 1 on 1 tc , means point all tanks on 1 of him , just a matter of fast pointing. Make a good tankarmy , use no fodder and u will be lots further. If u control this tc , u can decide games under 5 min , if it 's like 5 vs 5 don 't wait attack early , use this tc and u will have 1 tank advantage , set reallypoint and put him under pressure , shut be not hard to beat him. Big battles see above. :)