Dear strike team,
I have mentioned it in a couple of previous posts but you may of missed it. It name is c.u.n.t.s. without the fullstops in between. I know you are trying to clean up the language being used as it may be driving people away from playing, so I think this clan may fall into that catagory. Here are some stats. They are currently ranked 38. Sorry for being so direct but I have mentioned this in my 2 previous posts with a direct link to them. Or is it ok now to use this in nicks.
#38 5 / 3 122p
55 FPS
49.2 minutes
8x 4x Country Swing 4x Heck Freezes Over Player W L W L P ****sake 5 3 149 -27 122
GID Player A Player B Duration Scenario Date FPS C S T 15629 ****sake ****S W +34 markofan Fans L -10 02:55 Country Swing 08:24 09-12-2011 58 C 15621 ****sake ****S L -9 markofan Fans W +34 15:52 Heck Freezes Over 08:20 09-12-2011 55 C 15585 ****sake ****S L -10 markofan Fans W +39 07:13 Heck Freezes Over 08:04 09-12-2011 57 C 15524 ****sake ****S W +28 hemel htown L -4 02:18 Heck Freezes Over 07:42 09-12-2011 56 C 15506 ****sake ****S L -8 hemel htown W +40 08:00 Heck Freezes Over 07:36 09-12-2011 58 C 15481 ****sake ****S W +26 sweet void L 07:29 Country Swing 07:26 09-12-2011 52 C 15461 ****sake ****S W +29 mindhunt -ger-d L 02:31 Country Swing 07:16 09-12-2011 58 C 15449 ****sake ****S W +32 mindhunt -ger-d L 02:56 Country Swing 07:12 09-12-2011 56 C
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: iou169
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- Active Posts 143
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iou169 hasn't added any friends yet.
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clan name c_nts (theres a letter missing, yes its a u) [FAO Admin]
17 December 2011 - 05:29 AM
noob1z3d multiple d/c re[BT64-02-09-2011]
31 May 2011 - 10:34 PM
his stats say it all. out of 46 games, 29 washed in some way. I have no ss but hope the stats are enough. also just back from ban due to same thing.
#861 15 / 25 143p
23 disconnects
6 reconnection errors
46x Hammer and Sickle
GID Player A Player B Duration Scenario Date FPS C S T
65751 noob1z3d DC -15 panter120 DC +43 35:07 Hammer and Sickle 06:29 01-06-2011 52 C P
65126 noob1z3d RE iou169 RE 06:09 Hammer and Sickle 02:09 01-06-2011 54 C S P
65109 noob1z3d RE iou169 RE 13:43 Hammer and Sickle 02:01 01-06-2011 56 C S P
59787 noob1z3d W +39 patp8p8 L -19 13:30 Hammer and Sickle 09:45 29-05-2011 57 C P
58498 noob1z3d DC -13 niknik94 DC +25 23:04 Hammer and Sickle 23:05 28-05-2011 52 C P
58467 noob1z3d DC -10 d4rklight DC +10 07:24 Hammer and Sickle 22:43 28-05-2011 42 C P
58454 noob1z3d DC -2 sexymoli DC +2 03:20 Hammer and Sickle 22:31 28-05-2011 22 C P
55007 noob1z3d DC -10 capdinro DC +10 12:25 Hammer and Sickle 05:11 27-05-2011 46 C P
53442 noob1z3d DC +24 panter120 DC -4 50:28 Hammer and Sickle 07:36 26-05-2011 47 C P
51427 noob1z3d L -14 ka700 W +33 39:00 Hammer and Sickle 06:22 25-05-2011 52 C P
51331 noob1z3d L -16 kdx20027 W +28 15:58 Hammer and Sickle 05:43 25-05-2011 55 C P
47825 noob1z3d DC -13 platoz DC +13 49:41 Hammer and Sickle 08:42 23-05-2011 39 C P
45033 noob1z3d DC +19 cheata123 DC 32:15 Hammer and Sickle 04:39 22-05-2011 53 C P
24280 noob1z3d W buluhara W 32:50 Hammer and Sickle 08:43 12-05-2011 54 C S P
20020 noob1z3d W +28 buluhara L -8 08:01 Hammer and Sickle 06:42 10-05-2011 57 C P
19979 noob1z3d DC -13 xfiles9 DC +23 13:27 Hammer and Sickle 06:24 10-05-2011 49 C P
19933 noob1z3d RE artijn34 RE 10:03 Hammer and Sickle 06:08 10-05-2011 53 C S P
18241 noob1z3d W +23 bearo L -2 43:23 Hammer and Sickle 08:22 09-05-2011 46 C P
14722 noob1z3d DC -12 velvi DC +39 04:57 Hammer and Sickle 00:23 08-05-2011 33 C P
14705 noob1z3d DC -14 graif1 DC +25 12:15 Hammer and Sickle 00:14 08-05-2011 46 C P
14671 noob1z3d DC -15 drakula DC +35 07:09 Hammer and Sickle 23:54 07-05-2011 42 C P
14651 noob1z3d DC -17 hotzemotz DC +36 03:14 Hammer and Sickle 23:42 07-05-2011 21 C P
14645 noob1z3d DC -19 barbarosp DC +38 43:32 Hammer and Sickle 23:38 07-05-2011 47 C P
14563 noob1z3d W +42 capdinro L -26 05:12 Hammer and Sickle 22:53 07-05-2011 57 C P
14549 noob1z3d L -16 capdinro W +26 18:28 Hammer and Sickle 22:47 07-05-2011 54 C P
11357 noob1z3d W +19 kremlin10 L 27:30 Hammer and Sickle 09:10 06-05-2011 55 C P
11306 noob1z3d DC -16 chrisev DC +25 03:42 Hammer and Sickle 08:44 06-05-2011 26 C P
9328 noob1z3d W buluhara W 1:20:36 Hammer and Sickle 09:16 05-05-2011 46 C S P
9120 noob1z3d W +35 beaubody3 L -16 23:03 Hammer and Sickle 07:53 05-05-2011 58 C P
9034 noob1z3d L -14 gene6262 W +18 04:52 Hammer and Sickle 07:24 05-05-2011 58 C P
8441 noob1z3d DC +21 thelord89 DC 33:28 Hammer and Sickle 02:53 05-05-2011 47 C P
7242 noob1z3d DC -13 oredragon DC +29 36:07 Hammer and Sickle 08:53 04-05-2011 54 C P
7161 noob1z3d L -15 l0vernew W +16 04:08 Hammer and Sickle 08:11 04-05-2011 52 C P
7148 noob1z3d DC -16 mcgrueber DC +34 07:25 Hammer and Sickle 08:06 04-05-2011 42 C P
7128 noob1z3d W +33 graif1 L -14 33:36 Hammer and Sickle 07:59 04-05-2011 54 C P
7054 noob1z3d DC -14 gene6262 DC +24 18:55 Hammer and Sickle 07:24 04-05-2011 52 C P
7002 noob1z3d W +21 hdcrusmc L 15:08 Hammer and Sickle 07:02 04-05-2011 57 C P
6959 noob1z3d W +32 fono2 L -9 20:12 Hammer and Sickle 06:47 04-05-2011 58 C P
6909 noob1z3d DC -10 mach12345 DC +37 20:53 Hammer and Sickle 06:26 04-05-2011 52 C P
6458 noob1z3d DC +41 wuslin DC -16 30:12 Hammer and Sickle 02:51 04-05-2011 45 C P
2596 noob1z3d DC -6 kdx20027 DC +29 11:26 Hammer and Sickle 08:13 02-05-2011 46 C P
2559 noob1z3d W +28 nywants L 12:58 Hammer and Sickle 07:56 02-05-2011 58 C P
1069 noob1z3d W +41 playhard L -10 25:15 Hammer and Sickle 23:09 01-05-2011 56 C P
1014 noob1z3d DC cruz4 DC +25 35:18 Hammer and Sickle 22:38 01-05-2011 52 C P
947 noob1z3d L wasky W +26 03:23 Hammer and Sickle 22:03 01-05-2011 58 C P
905 noob1z3d RE velvi RE 08:42 Hammer and Sickle 21:43 01-05-2011 45 C S P
GID Player A Player B Duration Scenario Date FPS C S T
65751 panter120 DC +43 noob1z3d DC -15 35:07 Hammer and Sickle 06:29 01-06-2011 52 C P
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 6 223 146
buildings 3 25 19 0
infantry 68 326 72
planes 0 21 0
panter120 killed bought left captured
units 62 87 76
buildings 2 86 80 0
infantry 285 154 82
planes 8 0 0
65126 iou169 RE noob1z3d RE 06:09 Hammer and Sickle 02:09 01-06-2011 54 C S P
iou169 killed bought left captured
units 17 28 12
buildings 1 11 6 0
infantry 19 29 10
planes 0 2 0
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 14 21 3
buildings 0 9 6 0
infantry 19 21 1
planes 0 1 0
65109 iou169 RE noob1z3d RE 13:43 Hammer and Sickle 02:01 01-06-2011 56 C S P
iou169 killed bought left captured
units 43 60 20
buildings 4 19 18 0
infantry 91 114 27
planes 1 5 0
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 38 59 10
buildings 0 14 9 0
infantry 87 117 24
planes 0 8 0
58498 niknik94 DC +25 noob1z3d DC -13 23:04 Hammer and Sickle 23:05 28-05-2011 52 C P
niknik94 killed bought left captured
units 30 88 60
buildings 5 39 37 0
infantry 165 169 78
planes 2 17 3
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 24 87 52
buildings 0 28 21 0
infantry 94 201 59
planes 3 13 0
58467 d4rklight DC +10 noob1z3d DC -10 07:24 Hammer and Sickle 22:43 28-05-2011 42 C P
d4rklight killed bought left captured
units 14 32 21
buildings 1 10 9 0
infantry 4 5 2
planes 0 0 0
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 9 17 2
buildings 0 10 2 0
infantry 3 39 34
planes 0 2 0
58454 sexymoli DC +2 noob1z3d DC -2 03:20 Hammer and Sickle 22:31 28-05-2011 22 C P
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 0 5 0
buildings 0 4 4 0
infantry 0 4 0
planes 0 0 0
sexymoli killed bought left captured
units 4 6 4
buildings 0 7 4 0
infantry 4 4 4
planes 0 0 0
55007 capdinro DC +10 noob1z3d DC -10 12:25 Hammer and Sickle 05:11 27-05-2011 46 C P
capdinro killed bought left captured
units 7 39 26
buildings 0 39 36 0
infantry 25 75 56
planes 1 5 0
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 10 29 21
buildings 0 16 16 0
infantry 18 72 48
planes 0 5 0
53442 noob1z3d DC +24 panter120 DC -4 50:28 Hammer and Sickle 07:36 26-05-2011 47 C P
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 86 201 46
buildings 32 30 22 0
infantry 172 497 108
planes 14 24 1
panter120 killed bought left captured
units 154 181 83
buildings 6 62 11 0
infantry 400 169 3
planes 7 37 5
19933 artijn34 RE noob1z3d RE 10:03 Hammer and Sickle 06:08 10-05-2011 53 C S P
artijn34 killed bought left captured
units 27 38 25
buildings 2 19 15 0
infantry 86 65 33
planes 0 6 0
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 9 35 7
buildings 0 16 14 0
infantry 29 94 11
planes 0 6 1
905 noob1z3d RE velvi RE 08:42 Hammer and Sickle 21:43 01-05-2011 45 C S P
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 15 26 10
buildings 0 12 4 0
infantry 19 51 21
planes 0 3 0
velvi killed bought left captured
units 12 41 23
buildings 5 16 12 0
infantry 30 34 15
planes 0 1 0
too many to list
#861 15 / 25 143p
23 disconnects
6 reconnection errors
46x Hammer and Sickle
GID Player A Player B Duration Scenario Date FPS C S T
65751 noob1z3d DC -15 panter120 DC +43 35:07 Hammer and Sickle 06:29 01-06-2011 52 C P
65126 noob1z3d RE iou169 RE 06:09 Hammer and Sickle 02:09 01-06-2011 54 C S P
65109 noob1z3d RE iou169 RE 13:43 Hammer and Sickle 02:01 01-06-2011 56 C S P
59787 noob1z3d W +39 patp8p8 L -19 13:30 Hammer and Sickle 09:45 29-05-2011 57 C P
58498 noob1z3d DC -13 niknik94 DC +25 23:04 Hammer and Sickle 23:05 28-05-2011 52 C P
58467 noob1z3d DC -10 d4rklight DC +10 07:24 Hammer and Sickle 22:43 28-05-2011 42 C P
58454 noob1z3d DC -2 sexymoli DC +2 03:20 Hammer and Sickle 22:31 28-05-2011 22 C P
55007 noob1z3d DC -10 capdinro DC +10 12:25 Hammer and Sickle 05:11 27-05-2011 46 C P
53442 noob1z3d DC +24 panter120 DC -4 50:28 Hammer and Sickle 07:36 26-05-2011 47 C P
51427 noob1z3d L -14 ka700 W +33 39:00 Hammer and Sickle 06:22 25-05-2011 52 C P
51331 noob1z3d L -16 kdx20027 W +28 15:58 Hammer and Sickle 05:43 25-05-2011 55 C P
47825 noob1z3d DC -13 platoz DC +13 49:41 Hammer and Sickle 08:42 23-05-2011 39 C P
45033 noob1z3d DC +19 cheata123 DC 32:15 Hammer and Sickle 04:39 22-05-2011 53 C P
24280 noob1z3d W buluhara W 32:50 Hammer and Sickle 08:43 12-05-2011 54 C S P
20020 noob1z3d W +28 buluhara L -8 08:01 Hammer and Sickle 06:42 10-05-2011 57 C P
19979 noob1z3d DC -13 xfiles9 DC +23 13:27 Hammer and Sickle 06:24 10-05-2011 49 C P
19933 noob1z3d RE artijn34 RE 10:03 Hammer and Sickle 06:08 10-05-2011 53 C S P
18241 noob1z3d W +23 bearo L -2 43:23 Hammer and Sickle 08:22 09-05-2011 46 C P
14722 noob1z3d DC -12 velvi DC +39 04:57 Hammer and Sickle 00:23 08-05-2011 33 C P
14705 noob1z3d DC -14 graif1 DC +25 12:15 Hammer and Sickle 00:14 08-05-2011 46 C P
14671 noob1z3d DC -15 drakula DC +35 07:09 Hammer and Sickle 23:54 07-05-2011 42 C P
14651 noob1z3d DC -17 hotzemotz DC +36 03:14 Hammer and Sickle 23:42 07-05-2011 21 C P
14645 noob1z3d DC -19 barbarosp DC +38 43:32 Hammer and Sickle 23:38 07-05-2011 47 C P
14563 noob1z3d W +42 capdinro L -26 05:12 Hammer and Sickle 22:53 07-05-2011 57 C P
14549 noob1z3d L -16 capdinro W +26 18:28 Hammer and Sickle 22:47 07-05-2011 54 C P
11357 noob1z3d W +19 kremlin10 L 27:30 Hammer and Sickle 09:10 06-05-2011 55 C P
11306 noob1z3d DC -16 chrisev DC +25 03:42 Hammer and Sickle 08:44 06-05-2011 26 C P
9328 noob1z3d W buluhara W 1:20:36 Hammer and Sickle 09:16 05-05-2011 46 C S P
9120 noob1z3d W +35 beaubody3 L -16 23:03 Hammer and Sickle 07:53 05-05-2011 58 C P
9034 noob1z3d L -14 gene6262 W +18 04:52 Hammer and Sickle 07:24 05-05-2011 58 C P
8441 noob1z3d DC +21 thelord89 DC 33:28 Hammer and Sickle 02:53 05-05-2011 47 C P
7242 noob1z3d DC -13 oredragon DC +29 36:07 Hammer and Sickle 08:53 04-05-2011 54 C P
7161 noob1z3d L -15 l0vernew W +16 04:08 Hammer and Sickle 08:11 04-05-2011 52 C P
7148 noob1z3d DC -16 mcgrueber DC +34 07:25 Hammer and Sickle 08:06 04-05-2011 42 C P
7128 noob1z3d W +33 graif1 L -14 33:36 Hammer and Sickle 07:59 04-05-2011 54 C P
7054 noob1z3d DC -14 gene6262 DC +24 18:55 Hammer and Sickle 07:24 04-05-2011 52 C P
7002 noob1z3d W +21 hdcrusmc L 15:08 Hammer and Sickle 07:02 04-05-2011 57 C P
6959 noob1z3d W +32 fono2 L -9 20:12 Hammer and Sickle 06:47 04-05-2011 58 C P
6909 noob1z3d DC -10 mach12345 DC +37 20:53 Hammer and Sickle 06:26 04-05-2011 52 C P
6458 noob1z3d DC +41 wuslin DC -16 30:12 Hammer and Sickle 02:51 04-05-2011 45 C P
2596 noob1z3d DC -6 kdx20027 DC +29 11:26 Hammer and Sickle 08:13 02-05-2011 46 C P
2559 noob1z3d W +28 nywants L 12:58 Hammer and Sickle 07:56 02-05-2011 58 C P
1069 noob1z3d W +41 playhard L -10 25:15 Hammer and Sickle 23:09 01-05-2011 56 C P
1014 noob1z3d DC cruz4 DC +25 35:18 Hammer and Sickle 22:38 01-05-2011 52 C P
947 noob1z3d L wasky W +26 03:23 Hammer and Sickle 22:03 01-05-2011 58 C P
905 noob1z3d RE velvi RE 08:42 Hammer and Sickle 21:43 01-05-2011 45 C S P
GID Player A Player B Duration Scenario Date FPS C S T
65751 panter120 DC +43 noob1z3d DC -15 35:07 Hammer and Sickle 06:29 01-06-2011 52 C P
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 6 223 146
buildings 3 25 19 0
infantry 68 326 72
planes 0 21 0
panter120 killed bought left captured
units 62 87 76
buildings 2 86 80 0
infantry 285 154 82
planes 8 0 0
65126 iou169 RE noob1z3d RE 06:09 Hammer and Sickle 02:09 01-06-2011 54 C S P
iou169 killed bought left captured
units 17 28 12
buildings 1 11 6 0
infantry 19 29 10
planes 0 2 0
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 14 21 3
buildings 0 9 6 0
infantry 19 21 1
planes 0 1 0
65109 iou169 RE noob1z3d RE 13:43 Hammer and Sickle 02:01 01-06-2011 56 C S P
iou169 killed bought left captured
units 43 60 20
buildings 4 19 18 0
infantry 91 114 27
planes 1 5 0
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 38 59 10
buildings 0 14 9 0
infantry 87 117 24
planes 0 8 0
58498 niknik94 DC +25 noob1z3d DC -13 23:04 Hammer and Sickle 23:05 28-05-2011 52 C P
niknik94 killed bought left captured
units 30 88 60
buildings 5 39 37 0
infantry 165 169 78
planes 2 17 3
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 24 87 52
buildings 0 28 21 0
infantry 94 201 59
planes 3 13 0
58467 d4rklight DC +10 noob1z3d DC -10 07:24 Hammer and Sickle 22:43 28-05-2011 42 C P
d4rklight killed bought left captured
units 14 32 21
buildings 1 10 9 0
infantry 4 5 2
planes 0 0 0
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 9 17 2
buildings 0 10 2 0
infantry 3 39 34
planes 0 2 0
58454 sexymoli DC +2 noob1z3d DC -2 03:20 Hammer and Sickle 22:31 28-05-2011 22 C P
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 0 5 0
buildings 0 4 4 0
infantry 0 4 0
planes 0 0 0
sexymoli killed bought left captured
units 4 6 4
buildings 0 7 4 0
infantry 4 4 4
planes 0 0 0
55007 capdinro DC +10 noob1z3d DC -10 12:25 Hammer and Sickle 05:11 27-05-2011 46 C P
capdinro killed bought left captured
units 7 39 26
buildings 0 39 36 0
infantry 25 75 56
planes 1 5 0
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 10 29 21
buildings 0 16 16 0
infantry 18 72 48
planes 0 5 0
53442 noob1z3d DC +24 panter120 DC -4 50:28 Hammer and Sickle 07:36 26-05-2011 47 C P
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 86 201 46
buildings 32 30 22 0
infantry 172 497 108
planes 14 24 1
panter120 killed bought left captured
units 154 181 83
buildings 6 62 11 0
infantry 400 169 3
planes 7 37 5
19933 artijn34 RE noob1z3d RE 10:03 Hammer and Sickle 06:08 10-05-2011 53 C S P
artijn34 killed bought left captured
units 27 38 25
buildings 2 19 15 0
infantry 86 65 33
planes 0 6 0
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 9 35 7
buildings 0 16 14 0
infantry 29 94 11
planes 0 6 1
905 noob1z3d RE velvi RE 08:42 Hammer and Sickle 21:43 01-05-2011 45 C S P
noob1z3d killed bought left captured
units 15 26 10
buildings 0 12 4 0
infantry 19 51 21
planes 0 3 0
velvi killed bought left captured
units 12 41 23
buildings 5 16 12 0
infantry 30 34 15
planes 0 1 0
too many to list
member with multiple names
18 October 2010 - 10:21 PM
Can someone please explain how a a person can have multiple member names when it is a clear breach of the forum rules. Its obvious that invictus, siralex, ashlee plus who knows how many more are the same person.
I know he will come back here and say prove it and starting rubbishing things, its his standard defence.
He might have few friends and im sure the insults will start flying but all he does is make the average player go find another game., and makes the moderators here look very average by letting him have multiple names.
I know he will come back here and say prove it and starting rubbishing things, its his standard defence.
He might have few friends and im sure the insults will start flying but all he does is make the average player go find another game., and makes the moderators here look very average by letting him have multiple names.
amigosftw multiple washes
30 August 2010 - 05:22 AM
94872 amigosftw RE collaroy RE 08:50 Arctic Circle 14:57 30-08-2010 45 S P
amigosftw killed bought left captured
units 11 30 10
buildings 4 17 9 5
infantry 48 90 34
planes 0 3 0
collaroy killed bought left captured
units 19 37 25
buildings 3 19 18 4
infantry 52 81 33
planes 0 3 0
49684 amigosftw DC +27 ultimat3 DC -27 10:42 City Under Siege 04:14 17-08-2010 40 P
amigosftw killed bought left captured
units 32 46 27
buildings 2 19 24 12
infantry 12 69 36
planes 0 4 0
ultimat3 killed bought left captured
units 14 43 9
buildings 0 22 26 10
infantry 29 29 14
planes 0 0 0
49612 fel0ny DC +42 amigosftw DC -42 04:58 Montana DMZ 03:52 17-08-2010 30 P
amigosftw killed bought left captured
units 4 11 5
buildings 0 10 6 3
infantry 8 22 8
planes 0 0 0
fel0ny killed bought left captured
units 2 13 8
buildings 2 7 6 3
infantry 14 29 17
planes 0 1 0
36793 tng DC +34 amigosftw DC -34 09:18 Official Tournament Map A 10:08 13-08-2010 28 P
amigosftw killed bought left captured
units 2 9 2
buildings 1 6 5 1
infantry 5 42 10
planes 0 3 1
tng killed bought left captured
units 5 21 16
buildings 0 12 13 5
infantry 30 12 4
planes 0 0 0
29566 robofcncs DC +30 amigosftw DC -29 12:45 Alaskan Oil Spill 05:04 11-08-2010 43 P
amigosftw killed bought left captured
units 2 33 8
buildings 5 15 11 2
infantry 70 80 10
planes 1 21 2
robofcncs killed bought left captured
units 21 16 13
buildings 2 21 12 2
infantry 72 90 11
planes 1 12 6
He washes very early, just when a battle has finished
amigosftw killed bought left captured
units 11 30 10
buildings 4 17 9 5
infantry 48 90 34
planes 0 3 0
collaroy killed bought left captured
units 19 37 25
buildings 3 19 18 4
infantry 52 81 33
planes 0 3 0
49684 amigosftw DC +27 ultimat3 DC -27 10:42 City Under Siege 04:14 17-08-2010 40 P
amigosftw killed bought left captured
units 32 46 27
buildings 2 19 24 12
infantry 12 69 36
planes 0 4 0
ultimat3 killed bought left captured
units 14 43 9
buildings 0 22 26 10
infantry 29 29 14
planes 0 0 0
49612 fel0ny DC +42 amigosftw DC -42 04:58 Montana DMZ 03:52 17-08-2010 30 P
amigosftw killed bought left captured
units 4 11 5
buildings 0 10 6 3
infantry 8 22 8
planes 0 0 0
fel0ny killed bought left captured
units 2 13 8
buildings 2 7 6 3
infantry 14 29 17
planes 0 1 0
36793 tng DC +34 amigosftw DC -34 09:18 Official Tournament Map A 10:08 13-08-2010 28 P
amigosftw killed bought left captured
units 2 9 2
buildings 1 6 5 1
infantry 5 42 10
planes 0 3 1
tng killed bought left captured
units 5 21 16
buildings 0 12 13 5
infantry 30 12 4
planes 0 0 0
29566 robofcncs DC +30 amigosftw DC -29 12:45 Alaskan Oil Spill 05:04 11-08-2010 43 P
amigosftw killed bought left captured
units 2 33 8
buildings 5 15 11 2
infantry 70 80 10
planes 1 21 2
robofcncs killed bought left captured
units 21 16 13
buildings 2 21 12 2
infantry 72 90 11
planes 1 12 6
He washes very early, just when a battle has finished
link to ladder ect [Answered]
29 July 2010 - 12:27 AM
Just wondering if there is a link to the ladder anywhere simce the forum site has been revamped
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