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Member Since 13 Dec 2005
OFFLINE Last Active Nov 03 2017 01:25 AM

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In Topic: where do donations made to xwis go?

12 January 2013 - 05:21 AM

Useless to who? You?
Lots of people have found these utilities very useful over the last decade.You shouldn't be thinking.
This isn't the "What's wrong with XWIS?" topic is it? Do you understand the concept of On Topic posts?


Speaking of on topic Olaf, maybe you could answer Marsh's original post as to where the money is going.  At this stage nothing real clear has come out.  Your admin have attempted to answer but have only made it more convoluted.  Bluebla has it paying for the server (post 2),  Neogrant has provided some insight but said money hasnt been used for anything except a hiring a designer. (contradicting bluebla) Savagetnk didnt add anything except backing an opinion of donatiing blindly and dont dare ask where the money goes. Seannz also hasnt answered a thing as far as where the money goes.  Neogrant states that no donations are hidden from xwis or strike team but going by your answers its hard to draw this conclusion.


If someone knocks on your door at home and asked for a donation and then doesnt answer what it is going for would you just give money out blindly?


donations are going to olaf@xwis.net. Can olaf@xwis.net have the decency to explain what he is doing with the donations. At this stage after reading this post no way would i be giving money out blindly

In Topic: Welcome streetTACO, our latest Bounty Hunter

18 October 2012 - 03:53 AM

There's no advantage, cheat reports are cheat reports. Players who got cheated report it. Bounty Hunters seek cheaters to report.

Im just trying to get my head around this

1. other than a title, being a bounty hunter means nothing.
2 Streettaco hasnt put a cheat report in for 6 months, has what most would say is a poor attitude but is made a bounty hunter
3 Jacoblite for example puts in plenty of cheat reports but also has a poor attitude but isnt made a bounty hunter.

its all clear now. Congrats Marsh, your a bounty hunter, use it on your cv, might be the most impressive thing on it.
Cant wait to see the cheat reports come in, not hard to increase your numbers

In Topic: Welcome streetTACO, our latest Bounty Hunter

18 October 2012 - 03:27 AM

So what advantage does a bounty hunter have over anyone else who can compile a decent cheat report?
or is it just a name what means nothing as far an any advantage in putting reports in

In Topic: Welcome streetTACO, our latest Bounty Hunter

18 October 2012 - 02:48 AM

Hes not an admin, hes a bounty hunter, regardless of his forum attitude and his opinion's hes quite well situated to be a bounty hunter.

sorry about the poor wording in calling him admin, either way he has been given some type of role to play here, (although i cant seem to find what a bounty hunter does more than any other person who can catch a cheat) . Jacoblite has made alot of proven cheat reports, without sledging everyone and being devisive along the way. Even streettacos member title "i am kilers killer, shows that his impartiality might be questioned.

Come to think of it what extra authority do bounty hunters have over normal members. anyone can put a cheat report in and have it viewed. what makes a bounty hunter better than anyone else?

In Topic: Welcome streetTACO, our latest Bounty Hunter

17 October 2012 - 10:58 PM

I dont play many games anymore, for a casual player its too hard to get a game especially in my my time zone. I played with streettaco a few months ago and all i copped was abuse and now you have put him in an admin role. this game is on a suicide mission. Surely his past posts on here are reason enough not to give him any role in running the game. This is why other sites are still very active and this one is a corpse. Maybe I should start swearing a bit more in here and abusing everone else and i can become a bounty hunter too.
Streettaco breaches forum rules far too many times and seems to argue far to many times with people to even be considered for an admin role.
Heres some examples champion.

spamming cheat reports


post 12 language


this one is nice, what a difference 3 weeks make (xwis is garbage now, cya)


language posts 31 and 34


calling people tards (im sure he means retard but a man of his advanced intelect may be able to argue this one out)


Cangrats on your elevation. Time will tell if you change your ways. Seems like you have a few people waiting to bring you down as well so you better have eyes in the back of your head as people will be watching what you do a little more closely.