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Xwis and Olaf.

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#1 Niek



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Posted 23 August 2021 - 09:19 PM




Couple of hours ago i played TheNecrons in tourny games. Was damn fun. Its an honor for the addicts you keep Xwis alive. Xwis > CnCnet all the way. And the forum rocks it out aswell!



Olaf, ik hoop dat het goed met je gaat. Ik probeer wat van mijn leven te maken en dat gaat me goed af. Ik moet alleen nog wat knopen doorhakken om tot een resultaat te komen!


Ik hoop dat je nog veel geduld hebt met deze site want hier is een gedeelte van mijn leven aan gelinkt.


Met vriendelijke groet,



Niek Oude Elferink!

#2 TheNecrons



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Posted 24 August 2021 - 09:16 PM

Right! XWIS is one of the best Internet experiences of my Life. It's such a charm and a blessing to still be able to play on XWIS!

Thank you, Olaf, for birthing and building XWIS in the past, and for maintaining it ot this day.

The foundations XWIS was built on, must have been excellent, considering it's still running, and most importantly, it's still offering a charming atmosphere and an amusing and authentic RA2 experiences.


The best games I've had on RA2 have been on XWIS...past, present and most likely also in the future.


When I first quit RA2 in 2014, I resumed on CnCnet thinking that XWIS was dead and couldn't give me anything more...

I felt unsatisfied with CnCnet, none of the hundreds of games I had there seemed to resemble any of the XWIS experience...

So I told myself to re-try XWIS, after 5 years,...and I was hooked since then. I felt an instant relief, "there you go!", felt at home again.


Now, even though XWIS is much more inactive than before, I can't get enough of it!

#3 XMaDTanKX



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Posted 28 August 2021 - 07:12 PM

XWiS is awesome, and I wish it was like the times you could get a QM on about 2 minutes and was plenty of FFG's.


You only need to convince about 1000 CNCNet players to play on XWiS, and it looks too difficult...


Not to say Facebook, Watsapp and Discord groups seem to have absorbed any activity on these (and many other) forums.


Should we do any kind of campaign to re-launch XWiS if this is even possible?


Mr Olaf Van Der Spek? What are your thoughs? You never speak but for some reason you keep this alive...



#4 Alb3rt


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Posted 29 August 2021 - 07:40 AM

A merger needs to happen.


That or Xwis needs to:


- Fix compatibility issues with Ra2 and YR on Windows operating systems.

- Allow 8 player games or more on Xwis YR including picking an observer slot instead of a game faction.

- Implement similar re-balance patches as CnCNet YR and other pre-game options

- Bring the new official game maps from CnCNet onto Xwis and allow HD map previews on custom maps.

- Maintaining constant updates and support for Ra2 and YR


Until then, people will be sticking with CnCNet.

Edited by Alb3rt, 29 August 2021 - 07:42 AM.

#5 XMaDTanKX



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Posted 29 August 2021 - 10:35 AM

A merger needs to happen.


That or Xwis needs to:


- Fix compatibility issues with Ra2 and YR on Windows operating systems.

- Allow 8 player games or more on Xwis YR including picking an observer slot instead of a game faction.

- Implement similar re-balance patches as CnCNet YR and other pre-game options

- Bring the new official game maps from CnCNet onto Xwis and allow HD map previews on custom maps.

- Maintaining constant updates and support for Ra2 and YR


Until then, people will be sticking with CnCNet.


I keep the first and the last proposal, the other 3 remaining are not really so important as long as you give people the posibility of a easy install, updates and technical support as XWiS should be considered as the classic server with original lobbies and everything to play like the old days.


But yes, times change and everything advances, so you have to give the players what they demand and evolve assuming this fact, and this requires hard work, once again...

#6 Alb3rt


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Posted 30 August 2021 - 07:57 AM

I keep the first and the last proposal, the other 3 remaining are not really so important as long as you give people the posibility of a easy install, updates and technical support as XWiS should be considered as the classic server with original lobbies and everything to play like the old days.


But yes, times change and everything advances, so you have to give the players what they demand and evolve assuming this fact, and this requires hard work, once again...


What would you say are some of the pros of Xwis over CnCNet besides nostalgic lobby interface and menus?


Off the top, I can only think of these:


- Badges

- Clans, including clan tags, hosting clan matches in the Xwis lobby, and a clan ladder

- Hosting QM ladder games right from the Xwis lobby (I think you can only do this on Ra2. I've forgotten already.)

- Dedicated server as opposed to p2p on CnCNet (I think means faster games and better chances of people loading into games.)

- Nicknames assigned to game serial codes, so others can't steal your nickname.

- Chat commands through the lobby and gamerooms. Also using commands to chat with someone while playing in-game.

- Lobby commands to check peoples ladder stats i.e. points, rank, win / loss ratio.


I admit the quick match system is kind of annoying on CnCNet with a separate GUI popping out at you to start games. I think this is because CnCNet is p2p.

Edited by Alb3rt, 30 August 2021 - 08:04 AM.

#7 Enj0y



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Posted 31 August 2021 - 12:29 AM

Also pros of xwis

auto ss,  game spy, reports section, bans for ffg and tourneys, to help keep it cheat free

Edited by Enj0y, 31 August 2021 - 12:30 AM.

#8 Alb3rt


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Posted 31 August 2021 - 04:36 AM

Also pros of xwis

auto ss,  game spy, reports section, bans for ffg and tourneys, to help keep it cheat free


Except CnCNet doesn't have to worry about all that stuff since the server is already pretty much cheat free.


Also many Xwis pros play on CnCNet

Edited by Alb3rt, 31 August 2021 - 04:36 AM.

#9 snipe


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Posted 31 August 2021 - 09:10 PM

People would move back, but a small community needs to exist before that happends. Focus on getting 20-30 regular players then the rest will come slowly, organise times youre gonna come online and keep it consistent, will take a few months but people will come. I think XWIS needs some compatability issues before you guys even attempt that though! Cheers, glad to see people are still trying to keep xwis going, lots of memories, lots of good people, il never forget.

Edited by snipe, 31 August 2021 - 09:11 PM.

#10 XMaDTanKX



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Posted 01 September 2021 - 12:10 PM

People would move back, but a small community needs to exist before that happends. Focus on getting 20-30 regular players then the rest will come slowly, organise times youre gonna come online and keep it consistent, will take a few months but people will come. I think XWIS needs some compatability issues before you guys even attempt that though! Cheers, glad to see people are still trying to keep xwis going, lots of memories, lots of good people, il never forget.


What would do anyone who install the game from Origin or some web page and after installing it he tries to run it and it gives black screens, corrupted graphics, slow speed and random freezing?


If that person is a passionate of the Ra2 campaigns he/she probably would try to fix it or patch it but if not... after looking for some information the person would end up installing the CnC client and playing there their skirmish and online games leaving normal Ra2 unfixed and at it's own luck.


I don't think this is so hard to understand. The first and most important thing XWiS needs is an updated/patched setup with all  the bugs fixed. And then promoting/advertising, on YT, on Twitch, Facebook, Instagram, on all the Discord channels, and (why not) even on CnCNet if they are agreed  :rizla:


And once people can join us, keep the good work and the results will arrive.

Edited by XMaDTanKX, 01 September 2021 - 12:15 PM.

#11 TheNecrons



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Posted 13 September 2021 - 05:36 PM

What would you say are some of the pros of Xwis over CnCNet besides nostalgic lobby interface and menus?

The biggest pro, for me, is that XWIS uses vanilla RA2.


Btw, as it was already said, the first thing we need is active administration. After that we can search for active developement, which could fix the compatibility issues.


Btw, many of the issues are already discussed and solved in individual threads in this forum ("Support" section).

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