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Wanted: Old Maps

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#1 Onlooker


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Posted 15 January 2014 - 10:44 AM

Hi, I used to enjoy various comp-stomp and multiplayer maps that I've not recently seen people hosting. I don't remember their names but was wondering if anyone has been playing for a couple years could archive up their maps and make available?


There's maps representing continents of the world, some maps with bridges some without. 

There was a popular sea/air battle map where each player started in a corner isolated by water, often teaming L vs R. 


Various Brutal AI maps where you try to get it to start the humans in the corner(s) and the AI would build 4+ conyards and send hella air-ships among everything else.. 


If you've played a lot of compstomp maps you likely know what I'm talking about, where can I find them!




#2 Bdizzle18



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Posted 02 February 2014 - 03:11 AM

I can help - I have collected about 480 maps, there are at least 6 of them that are the 'world' map you are talking about.


Global Domination


ww3 improved

ww3 really improved

ww3 really really really improved


(the more they improve it the crappier it gets... 'improve' means more gems on the map lol)


The 4 conyard maps were actually from a cool Bug people would add to their maps ( I created one based on that bug...



WAR was the first map I ever found with that bug -  myself, Alpha, and lots of other people made maps based upon that idea.


My biggest complaint with Maps - would be that the makers did not take into account the 8character filesize restriction for old windows operating systems... so every map has 2 or more versions - one will be





the other will be




The game automatically cuts it down to 8 characters and now two flenames exist of the same map....



I wish all map makers knew to make the map names smaller than 8 characters...





The other problem - is that abtou 20% of the maps have a filename that does not match the Map name.  So when you have 450 maps in your game, and you want to play Global Domination - gues what - its not under G.... you have to click 400 times and read every last map all the way down your list slowly until you find it...


I took ALL my maps and edited EVERY last one to have proper filenames that are alphabetically matched to their in game map names...



So I can give you a link to where you'll find 1200 maps for ra2 and yuri in a torrent - but they will all be out of order... mis named ...


Or I can make my own torrent and share my collection with you and everyone else... 


What would you prefer Onlooker?




Your other maps are Water Fort oil (about 12 versions that I know of)


 countless AI maps... exist... Hard to beat - Alpha this or Alpha that - a few bdizzle maps  - valley X 8 gold rings - square of opposition - VHC - Mass Delusion - CK2002




I'll watch this topic, if you reply I'll make a torrent up for you and share my maps... guess I can post it on Piratebay


Edit 1:


Now that I'm thinking about it- I think XWIS should officially link to a giant map pack of custom maps... I know they don't officially support them -but if they did at least offer a link to them it may improve game traffic...


there are many fan sites out there that host maps - one at a time - a few offer packs of maps by some of the more well known map makers - like Cannis  you can google for them - now that you know the specific names of some of your favorte maps maybe you wont want all 400+ of mine...

Edited by Bdizzle18, 02 February 2014 - 03:14 AM.

#3 ExpaNd



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Posted 06 February 2014 - 08:16 PM

Make a custom file with all the torrents I will download the maps, I'd love to have global domination for ra2

#4 SoVi3tW4R



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Posted 08 February 2014 - 10:50 AM

bdizzle 18 was it u who trained me in soviets or was it 13 . Hoping to find him again i could use a refresher course . I mean idk how im getting pwn by all these newbs . Theres no one to practice BOs on so how they still have skills idk or was it 15 who trained me all i remeber is he was old school and was really good at sovs.

oh side tracked so bdizzle no one remeber the maps im talking about they are trully old school and none of the map makers no how to do it.
 one was a compstomp 8 players with each play feild was the shape of a trapazoid the middle was a square with gems. and rocks everywhere else so u couldnt attack unless u went to through the square . i kept editing it so i dont remeber the name it was a ice map.

the other map was a mod map where u could play on the water. that right It had a special BO . but long story short u could build on water and get attacked by navy stuff like dolphins . idk why but i think like the maker of the map didnt like play it alot so the map didnt get cirulated much

Edited by SoVi3tW4R, 08 February 2014 - 10:57 AM.

#5 ExpaNd



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Posted 13 February 2014 - 11:15 PM

bdizzle 18 was it u who trained me in soviets or was it 13 . Hoping to find him again i could use a refresher course . I mean idk how im getting pwn by all these newbs . Theres no one to practice BOs on so how they still have skills idk or was it 15 who trained me all i remeber is he was old school and was really good at sovs.

oh side tracked so bdizzle no one remeber the maps im talking about they are trully old school and none of the map makers no how to do it.
one was a compstomp 8 players with each play feild was the shape of a trapazoid the middle was a square with gems. and rocks everywhere else so u couldnt attack unless u went to through the square . i kept editing it so i dont remeber the name it was a ice map.

the other map was a mod map where u could play on the water. that right It had a special BO . but long story short u could build on water and get attacked by navy stuff like dolphins . idk why but i think like the maker of the map didnt like play it alot so the map didnt get cirulated much

"No one to practice bo's on" is the only reason I play ra2, you don't have to use powerful bos (usually the same ones) everygame these days which is pretty awesome I.m.o.

Like that 7warfac sell mcv b.o that if you didn't do on c.s pretty much meant autolose to anyone good.

Just experiment man, best advice is... Try not to let any of your units die :)

#6 Bdizzle18



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Posted 30 March 2022 - 02:49 PM

old maps as requested - though I have no notifications from this forum so its a couple years late.


I stuck it on Drop box. not sure if it will work; give it a try.
This archive has the full game with other notes:

  1. removed all MIX files (movies and single player stuff)

  2. removed Westwood online (xwis vs cncnet or whoever you use to play)

  3. included 'desktop stuff' - aka CHEATS, Maps and tutorials for how to modify the game - there are over 500 RA2 maps and 945 Yuri maps in this pack.

  4. *yuri maps are separated as my game is 1.06 RA2 only without yuri expansion.
    Filename - Red Alert 2 pass is ra2.zip **pass is there because antivirus will detect the cheat / map reveal /misc files as a virus... be warned - these programs function on windows XP 32bit - or partially function on windows 7 compatibility mode; they will not fully work on windows 7 and will not work at all on windows 10... ... very sad that I cant make invisible chemical warriors to drop nukes on the battlefield.. or aligators or presidents and other cool units... lol
    Something about the memory address handling on newer os's being handled differently - theres probably a workaround but I havent taken the time to figure it out.

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