I can help - I have collected about 480 maps, there are at least 6 of them that are the 'world' map you are talking about.
Global Domination
ww3 improved
ww3 really improved
ww3 really really really improved
(the more they improve it the crappier it gets... 'improve' means more gems on the map lol)
The 4 conyard maps were actually from a cool Bug people would add to their maps ( I created one based on that bug...
WAR was the first map I ever found with that bug - myself, Alpha, and lots of other people made maps based upon that idea.
My biggest complaint with Maps - would be that the makers did not take into account the 8character filesize restriction for old windows operating systems... so every map has 2 or more versions - one will be
the other will be
The game automatically cuts it down to 8 characters and now two flenames exist of the same map....
I wish all map makers knew to make the map names smaller than 8 characters...
The other problem - is that abtou 20% of the maps have a filename that does not match the Map name. So when you have 450 maps in your game, and you want to play Global Domination - gues what - its not under G.... you have to click 400 times and read every last map all the way down your list slowly until you find it...
I took ALL my maps and edited EVERY last one to have proper filenames that are alphabetically matched to their in game map names...
So I can give you a link to where you'll find 1200 maps for ra2 and yuri in a torrent - but they will all be out of order... mis named ...
Or I can make my own torrent and share my collection with you and everyone else...
What would you prefer Onlooker?
Your other maps are Water Fort oil (about 12 versions that I know of)
countless AI maps... exist... Hard to beat - Alpha this or Alpha that - a few bdizzle maps - valley X 8 gold rings - square of opposition - VHC - Mass Delusion - CK2002
I'll watch this topic, if you reply I'll make a torrent up for you and share my maps... guess I can post it on Piratebay
Edit 1:
Now that I'm thinking about it- I think XWIS should officially link to a giant map pack of custom maps... I know they don't officially support them -but if they did at least offer a link to them it may improve game traffic...
there are many fan sites out there that host maps - one at a time - a few offer packs of maps by some of the more well known map makers - like Cannis you can google for them - now that you know the specific names of some of your favorte maps maybe you wont want all 400+ of mine...
Edited by Bdizzle18, 02 February 2014 - 03:14 AM.