recon in cm, heres everything.
33406 hepnotika hahaha W monuments Djent W 15:40 Tour of Egypt 00:39 28-09-2013 43 S C
GID Player A Player B Duration Scenario Date FPS C S T 33406 monuments Djent W hepnotika hahaha W 15:40 Tour of Egypt 00:39 28-09-2013 43 S C monuments killed bought left captured units 61 79 14 buildings 0 40 24 2 infantry 43 94 36 planes 0 12 5 hepnotika killed bought left captured units 55 99 26 buildings 14 37 19 0 infantry 22 71 24 planes 1 0 0
Edited by Enerdjy, 28 September 2013 - 07:57 AM.