During the new set of cheating rules, XGS proves map reveal is turned on during friendly games
GID Player A Player B Duration Scenario Date FPS C S T 21269 bashful W hityou L 17:01 beach3.mpr 15:37 17-08-2013 32 vol W leberrr L bashful killed bought left captured units 44 205 89 buildings 19 35 38 6 infantry 110 93 66 planes 0 283 22 hityou killed bought left captured units 20 43 0 buildings 1 29 0 9 infantry 15 125 0 planes 3 5 0 leberrr killed bought left captured units 98 109 0 buildings 14 25 0 6 infantry 9 46 0 planes 0 476 0 vol killed bought left captured units 43 137 80 buildings 9 61 53 7 infantry 14 46 32 planes 416 4 0
Frame 489: Conscript goes in capture mode on bunker in unscouted terrain.