Like all the tournaments that have given out same prizes as HOF meaning they still come from EA's prize pool. More direct answer dodging and making up thing.
No direct answers like Adam said. You're just dodging around mister.
How about spending it on new better software or some one who can code better and deliver proper features to the game, new patches, proper C&C collectors editions prizes, pro forum skins, new server features, why did a server member had to donate money for cash prizes on the tournaments and buy a custom skin for Christmas, this is something the staff should be looking out for.
Right now it seems all those donations are being hidden in Olaf's paypal account. Though no one seems to care about this black hole. Also considering Olaf's speed on developing and releasing updates and new features this money could be much better used if he 'can't afford to take time off work' to develop this. It could be just that the donations are around 5 dollars too which is doubtful of the whole fund that has gathered by now.
Did I say the donations had been used for prizes yet? No. Did I not just say we've only spent it towards a logo? Yes.
Did I make it clear EA, the community manager of C&C donated the prizes for the Yuri Madness event? Yes.
Its in Olaf's Paypal dur, you donate to No donations are hidden away from XWIS or ST Admins of this site, we are notified and we keep track of who donated. We also note expense(s), and what we have left. Why not have a separate Paypal account? Paypal doesn't like you having two accounts AFAIK.
Because it was kindly donated, custom skins and its renewal fee don't last forever. Pro IPB skins? You're on one. Custom made for free, you're welcome.
We notify the community of a donation in News.