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Member Since 06 Dec 2008
OFFLINE Last Active Mar 29 2009 11:17 PM

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In Topic: Gentoo disconnet me

29 March 2009 - 11:17 PM

Do you realize...

#1 You're not banning my serials your banning people that paid for them and were dumb enough to give them to me (1000s)
#2 I never actually went on XWIS with a relay OR cheated so your banning for nothing

What you inbreeds running XWIS fail to realize is that "relay" you think I'm using is in fact a clone of TS Shield without the backdoor. It protects me from IE and other things people on relays can do to users.

else if ( $2 == GAMEOPT ) {
	var %n = $right($gettok($1, 1, 33), -1), %h = $right($left($3, -7), -1), %ig = 0
	if ( $numtok($gettok($4-, 1, 58), 44) >= 23 ) {
	  if ( %n != %h ) { p %id Ignored GAMEOPT from %n (options from non-host) | %ig = 1 }
	  else {
		var %nl = $gettok($4-, 2, 58), %ns, %nc
		var %x = $numtok(%nl, 44)
		while ( %x ) {
		  %ns = $gettok(%nl, $calc(%x - 1), 44)
		  if ( %ns != 0 && %ns != 1 ) { p %id Ignored GAMEOPT from %n (invalid side) | %ig = 1 }
		  %nc = $gettok(%nl, %x, 44)
		  if ( %nc < 0 && %nc > 1000 ) { p %id Ignored GAMEOPT from %n (invalid color) | %ig = 1 }
		  dec %x 3
	if ( !%ig ) { Lw %id %r }

Because of that, the bot that has been on all day IEing people, didn't get me once, because my script (tsf.msl) simply ignored the GAMEOPTs.

But its all good will take me a life time to run out of serials you stupid ****s just keep baning everyones serials!

In Topic: IlIIIllll

12 March 2009 - 11:00 AM

That screen shot proves you made a barracks and ghost stalker in my base MINUTES into the game.

You clearly have no idea what you're even talking about.

In Topic: IlIIIllll

12 March 2009 - 10:21 AM

That's not my IP, looks like you have made some other enemies with your cheating.

In Topic: IlIIIllll

12 March 2009 - 09:24 AM

You made that ss look like I admitted to something, good thing you're just a cheating loser nerd and no ones going to listen to your pathetic attempt to get at me for reporting you.

I hear this isn't first time you been banned, hopefully you get perm ban.

In Topic: jasta5 disconnected game after saying i used "unit hack"

04 March 2009 - 01:51 AM

You need to page xwis "/r/dpl" not "/r" or "/dpl" how Olaf didn't see this coming when he decided to name command "/r/dpl" is beyond me, I don't see nothing wrong with "/d"