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Member Since 01 Jul 2007
OFFLINE Last Active Aug 28 2008 03:46 AM

Topics I've Started

Some XWIS Suggestion Topics To Debate

12 July 2008 - 02:10 AM

Ok first and foremost, I do want to say the current state of XWIS is going well, as much as this game keeps dieing and dieing daily, we need to understand its innevitable.

With that being said, I do think there is a few changes that need to combat the struggle of the game dieing.

1. First, I think it would be a great idea to increase the point filter on Yuris Revenge. I say this for Yuris because it is near impossible to get a game once in the top 10. And for that matter - get a game vs. someone different. I think 250pts, or 300 points (how it used to be), would be perfect for the situation that yuris in right now. Very few players, and no tourney option = Quick matching people around the 200 point filter is the only way. Increasing it to 300 would give you MANY more games, and many more different oppertunities to play different people.

2. I know its been stated 1000's of times, but the current quick match maps could be fine tuned. In paticular, I'm talking about the yuri faction's map selection. I am getting extremely bored playing yuri on the same few maps.

I believe maps to add for the yuri team include (and not just these, these are off the top of my head)
- Loaded Barrel
- Face Down
- East Vs. Best
I believe these are all very fair, and add a uniqueness to the yuri side that is long gone.

I also believe some old Yuris WOL qm maps should be added to regular quick match such as:
- Little piece of dune
- Loaded Barrell
- Let There Be Fight
- Four Corners

and maps that werent in the old wol qm such as:
-Roundhose kick

I believe the addition of maps (mainly, and desperately to the yuri faction), would increase the fun for the few top players still playing, as well as the up-and-coming players.

3. I believe the whole, 1 nickname per top 10 rule should be changed, Purely on the fact that it takes alot of managing from you guys to fix it up. I always enjoyed coming on strike team Day 1 of a new month and checking the post of champions, or the post saying its a new month. I do not see it anymore and I wonder why - I figure you guys are busy, but a situation like this would give you guys less work.

Hopefully some of these get tooken into consideration, If i were to pick one of these that i'd really want to fix it would be the maps, however i think the one that is most needed to change is the point filter simply due to the level of players on yuris.


thRASHout Disconect Wash

10 July 2008 - 04:07 PM

Game link: http://xwis.net/ladders/games/72761/

Screenshot 1: http://xwis.net/forums/style_images...e_types/gif.gif

Screenshot 2: I am trying to figure out how my comptuer can read PCX files, i will get the ingame ss in a moment.

He called me a mapper the entire game, i just walked cannons to him on isle. He was very upset.

SS for totfc or something

08 July 2007 - 07:59 PM


it doesnt attach?

ok here

Posted Image

Games are NOT starting.

03 July 2007 - 04:11 AM

Ok, well, 5 days ago, I installed red alert 2. Got the patches and all that.

It worked perfectly fine for 4 days. Last night I had a game on Montana dmz, worked fine. This morning I wake up, try to play another game on DMZ and the load screen loads, then it turns black for about 10 seconds, then the game goes and the money stays at 143 and the disconect screen comes up. The game then ends like that.

So i figure, maybe its just a one time thing.

Next 4-5 times it happens. (all games on montana dmz).

So i figure, ok, whatever, ill just play elsewhere, so I go to qm, and it does the same thing 4 times in a row. On all different maps.

So thus meaning its not the maps. Its something with my computer/red alert 2.

So i look @ anything i did differently from the last time playing, til the morning. The only thing that altered my computer was me downloading a cd from a blog (note that ive done this from the blog about 100 times, so its no virus or anything).

So i figure, my comp is low on space, maybe that put it over a limit, so i go delete some things.
I try again, same thing occurs.

I have no idea what the problem is, and i really dont feel like re-installing all my ra2, if the problem is fixable somehow. (+ Who knows if reinstalling will even work...)

Thanks in advance.


01 July 2007 - 10:05 PM

May the username: i W i N 4 P r e P be unbanned?

Please? Ill change password so tomi doesn't get on it.
