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Member Since 16 Aug 2015
OFFLINE Last Active May 19 2020 10:31 PM

Topics I've Started

windows 10 alt tab fix

03 June 2018 - 03:49 AM



Lookin for the windows 10 alt tab fix for the xwis version of the game (not origin)



just to let you know

15 July 2017 - 01:23 AM

There is a cheat, where the player can litterally stop your tanks. 


I was just playing and i was about to win and the guy litterally stopps my tanks as i am clicking to move them.



I am hereby removing this game from my computer and not playing anymore. To think that people cheat on a game so out dated is absolutely pathetic. What's the point in playing a game where you have an unfair advantage? 


Must have very small cocks or somethign causet that's fuckin pathetic.

How to block harassing members?

01 June 2017 - 02:29 AM

I've been bullied and harassed by username: "EGO" for a few days now. It started as trash talk but no every time he is on he continues to join my games and verbally abuse and harass me. 


Is there a block feature? 


Harassment is illegal in most civilized countries and if something isn't done I will consider involving authorities.

ra2uno DC / Wash

22 May 2017 - 07:30 PM

So I play Ra2uno and lose as GB. Ask for a rematch and destroy him as sovs. 


He decides to DC and the reconnect a couple times to see if I quit. The dc finally ticks to 0 and I get no points for a clean win (Screenshots prove it)




I want my points. 



How to creat a 2v2 clan culture on a limited player server

06 February 2017 - 08:07 PM

I have played ra2 on xwis for a while and I really miss getting to play meaningful 2v2 games. I beleive i have an idea.

What if there were only 2 clans? Or 4? That way if there were twenty or so players online thered be a very high chance of games.

Players could ve voted in as clan leaders for each side (or each of the four) and re elected in a quarterly process or every six months.

I think there are more than enough players to make clans viable again if there were a limited number of clubs. (My vote is two clubs with elected leaders)