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Member Since 02 Mar 2006
OFFLINE Last Active May 21 2008 11:22 AM

Topics I've Started

im still #1 at RA2

07 December 2007 - 12:45 AM

dont believe me? play me i just beat 2ppl vs me. bring it on b1tches!!!

oh and riz is a prat.

delete nick for me.

16 March 2007 - 06:51 PM

i was wondering if you could delete the original JimmyKudo account since im pretty sure no one logged in for years on that account. my other one was JimmyKud0(notice the zero) im coming back to RA2 and was wondering if you could delete the account and let me have it? and if you tell me to use my old account i forgot password.

im not sure what stickies are so excuse me for ignoring them.

delete nick 4 me

16 March 2007 - 04:30 PM

i was wondering if you could delete the original JimmyKudo account since im pretty sure no one logged in for years on that account. my other one was JimmyKud0(notice the zero) im coming back to RA2 and was wondering if you could delete the account and let me have it? and if you tell me to use my old account i forgot password :confused1:

im in -EF- :P

02 March 2007 - 07:01 PM


so im not spamming. im also fed up with the word pwned. :)

Did you know?

30 January 2007 - 05:13 PM

not sure if anyone knows but comps suck really bad on yuri. especially when they are your ally. their attacks suck and they need to attack more frequently. if your yuri and make 2 yuri primes you can take over their war fac. while think the comp thinks its destroyed he will naturally build another. take over his 2nd war with your 2nd yuri prime. then when the 3rd is made give the comp back his 2 wars and bam he makes 3 tanks for every time he would make one(one from each war)

just a little thing i found out a year ago. if theres been 10 topics about this alrdy sorry. didnt know