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Member Since 24 Dec 2005
OFFLINE Last Active Apr 14 2018 06:09 AM

Topics I've Started

Nathan and Mase vr Yak and Jason

13 July 2015 - 11:55 PM

We need to set up a time to play and quickly me and mason are in contact with each other and have tried to message jason but so far he has been unavailable. Maybe this topic will help us better set up a time to play. 

Who is smashcity

07 October 2014 - 10:08 AM

He is iclownu previous month. No auto ss....Very rude and im just wondering who he is. Anyone know?

Banned from Latof's games...

29 August 2013 - 05:53 AM

Care to respond and tell me why you have me banned latof? Is there a reason you won't play me? Never done anything to you. 

obs dcs in 1v1 cm and other player gets win.

31 March 2013 - 12:47 PM



breaku would like my points back please 

from this game: http://xwis.net/ra2/games/44256/



The Obs got an error and his screen froze. Then we go to dc screen, the count down goes to 0. Then the other player dcs, I stay in the game cause I was winning and it was a dang 25 min game. After he dc and game ends he gets points.

Errors all the time

23 February 2013 - 07:35 AM

I get in game errors that cause my game to close down. No internals its just me and it shows like i dc. The reason im posting is that people tend to wait out my errors and just take the win. Any tips on how to stop these errors.