Game stats show him clearly losing.
This guy is pathetic sore loser. I asked for FW for Canyon Fodder game he washed before, he made tourney game on heck to give FW. He reused to quit and played it, just before i kill his last building he dc'ed then reconn then dc'ed again to wash the game.
GID Player A Player B Duration Scenario Date FPS C S T
22614 Iraq jinx40 RE Iraq m8s RE 10:28 Heck Freezes Over - Corners 02:17 27-08-2014 52 S P
jinx40 killed bought left captured
units 26 74 22
buildings 12 20 14 0
infantry 31 26 10
planes 0 0 0
m8s killed bought left captured
units 47 47 8
buildings 5 27 1 0
infantry 15 34 1
planes 0 0 0